Hypnotic Technique: Heart Coherence
Developed by The HeartMath Institute
Modified by, and Description Written by, Lori Nicholson
The heart is the strongest emitter of electromagnetic energy in the body; this exercise entrains the brain into a coherent and more relaxed brain-wave state. It has the added benefits of slowing down both the breathing and the brain.
Close your eyes gently, and allow yourself to drop from your mind down into your heart. Place your attention on your heart, and feel your heart expanding with each inhalation, and relaxing back to center with each exhalation. Now imagine breathing deeply into your heart, as if your heart is your mouth or your nose. Like rays from the sun coming into your heart from all directions—through the cells in the front of your body, from under your arms, and through your back—breathe in the oxygen from all directions, straight into your heart.
After each inhalation, hold the breath in your heart for a moment, allowing it to mix with your love and essence.
Then allow yourself to breathe out from your heart in all directions, like the rays of the sun. You may want to imagine a color (yellow, pink, soft green) or concept (love, inner peace) associated with each breath as well.