Self Allergy Treatment


from newsletter 3/25/20


Please see the video for a quick demonstration.

For many of you this is just a reminder as I have had you doing this for years. In short, what you are doing is desensitizing yourself to whatever is in the jar.  I’ve already been told by a couple of patients who had never tried, and are now tapping daily, it that it is making a very positive difference.

For many of you, it probably looks pretty weird. I get that, but what do you have to lose? It is worth a try during a bad allergy season in a year where cold like symptoms are much more than an annoyance, and can be down right scary. 

As always, if you have questions about this or other things you can do, supplements, etc or just want to talk, feel free to call or email me. I am here to help to the best of my knowledge.